Package Design | Book Design
Did you know that black women are almost twice as likely to experience pressure at work to straighten their hair compared to white women? Although to some it may not seem like a big deal, natural hair is something that many people do not deem acceptable in professional environments such as work and school. There are many examples of instances where a person with natural hair has lost their job, lost their chance at a job or were punished at school because of their natural hair. Natural hair is something that people should not have to change about themselves, especially to meet "social norms".
My Hair Is My Crown is a movement created to discuss the double standards and injustices that people of color with natural hair experience in both the workplace and in schools. My Hair Is My Crown embraces and celebrates natural hair while explaining its historical and social significance.
The booklet discusses the historical relevance and significance of natural hair. It also shows some of the many examples of discrimination in both the workplace and in schools. It then finishes off describing what people are doing to end this discrimination. The booklet's edges are wavy to represent the different hair types. As the book goes on, the edges get wavier and more apparent. The textures in the background of the covers and spreads also represents the different hair textures.
The purpose of the posters is to continue pushing for the acceptance of natural hair. The posters are a series that shows different natural hair styles. These posters can be hung in schools, in the workplace and in other relevant places.
To help support and encourage the My Hair Is My Crown Movement, I have included a kit that you can get that has things you would need at work or at school. Let's look inside and see what we have!
When going to work or even to school, many places require an ID. So we included a lanyard to make sure you don't forget you ID. Another thing that everyone needs when they go to work is coffee. Some people can't even function without it. So, we included a coffee mug. You're welcome.
No need to go buy more pens. We got you covered. And what is a pen without paper. So, we added a notepad too.
It can be easy to mix your days up or forget about important dates. So you have a calendar too. Now you have no excuses about meeting deadlines and missing meetings.
Use these items to remind yourself that your hair, natural or not, is beautiful, professional and amazing.